Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So it's pretty much the funniest thing on earth, when your kid starts to negotiate with you. I really just didn't expect it to happen, I don't know why. But now that it has, it cracks me up! Kai negotiates for everything.

Kai: I nap for...10 minutes, then wake up.
Me: Okay Kai (I let him think he wins, because once he's asleep he's out for two hours!)

He just asked for some M&M's, so I said you can have one...
Kai: Um, three mom.
Me: You can have two, one for each hand.
Kai: Ok mom.

He negotiates how many times his book is read before bed, again, always he'll only sleep for 10 minutes (I don't even know where he got that number from).

Another day in motherhood!

And question....do time outs become over used and ineffective when the child starts putting themselves there, as a game?

1 comment:

Ben and Dena said...

Hilarious. I love that kid. So... you need to update your blog too! You first, then I'll go :)