Saturday, April 2, 2011

What I've been up to...

So we were going to buy a house...even had one under contract, it was a great house...but not right for us. So we decided to reconfigure finances, finish paying off a few things, then start looking again. We're very happy with our decision...but our townhouse is still lacking! So I decided to rearrange, to make these last few months a bit more bearable!! I did all of this in two of them when Cameron was at work, and the other when he was in UT at his bro's lacrosse game.

Living Room BEFORE:


The main reason for the rearranging of this room is the ginormous play tent I made for Kai for his birthday (see the corner in before pics). There just wasn't a lot of room and it was kind of awkward, but I wanted it up for them all the time. So here's the after....


(you should know that it was clean at one point...but hey. I've got kids...just keepin' it real :)

Then I changed up the dining room and office area...but that's going to have to wait till next week...I have to get going, we're off to UT today!! Wish me luck when I learn how to ski on children need their mother.

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