So ever since we moved into this townhouse, we haven't had a "real" dining room table. Mostly because our dining room is so small, a normal size table wouldn't fit in there, and we didn't want to spend a few hundred on a set that we most likely wouldn't use in the future, because it was so small. So finally I convinced hubby to help me build a table. It was a fraction of the cost, we could get the perfect size we wanted for our space...and it was fun! So finally, after a few Saturdays and thanks to a "snow day" weekend, we got it done! Here it is....I'm so proud!


I still want to find some cheap chairs from goodwill or something to refinish or cover. But we have a real table now....I'm so excited. Our first meal on it was fajitas...and it worked perfect :)
Jo, that looks great! How did you build it?
With mad skill. Ok, not really! It was actually really simple. We just got a big sheet of birch plywood, cut it out the shape we wanted, then with the rest of the sheet we cut out the side-dealios (technical term of course), the posts were just 4x4 fence posts! Just cut them down to size....stain...assemble!
It's SO SO cute!!!! I totally love it! You did a GREAT job on it! So... when are you coming to my house to help me refinish my table?
HOORAY!!!! I love it! Amazing job - I can't wait to see it in person!
I totally want to find you some sweet Goodwill chairs that we can paint then get some Amy Butler fabric and recover... it would be amazing. I love your projects, GO JO!
Hope you're feeling better!!
(I just counted 9 !'s in this note, I'm going to have to watch that)
I'm loving the new photos at the top! Great idear!
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