Friday, December 16, 2011

One for the folks

So it may come as a shock to you that my folks don't really do Christmas anymore.  I know, right?!  Me who has the tree up before Thanksgiving has parents who don't even put a tree up.  (shakes head in disbelief).  Mostly we just give them a hard time and don't really care :)

One day I came across this picture from pottery barn, because Dena had seen them in the store and said they were amazing so I went and looked for it online...and once I saw them, I knew I had to do them for the 'rents.  (that's slang for parents.  because I'm going on little sleep and lots of crazy right now). 

(Did you go see the link?  Ok good.)

So here is Dena and I's version. 

Ok, so they're not perfect.  But they were fun, and someday when I have a house and a bookshelf (actually it'll be a wall of bookshelves) I'm going to make some for me too!  We took framing squares and wood from Home Depot, cut it down, sanded and stained it.  The squares were too shiny so we "distressed" them with some black paint.  Then glued the wood together and then bought really weird glue to glue the squares to the wood.  They turned out pretty fun!  My parents are big on in they have hundreds, and my dad has done construction his whole life, so I was hoping it would be cool and personal.  They liked them :)

Happy Kwanza mom and dad!  (remember, they don't do Christmas.)

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