Thursday, December 22, 2011


So this past Tuesday, right around lunch time, the door to my house opens.  I figure it's one of the neighbor kids, who sometimes knock, sometimes not, and whom I have issues with!  I go to look, and it's my husband.  Clearly much earlier than he's expected.  He had just been fired.  Really long story short, his "boss" was taking some heat, he was afraid for his job, so in order to "appease the Gods" he fired Cameron.  Hoping that would take enough heat off of that "things had been handled."  It was in no way an appropriate action for the issue at hand, and I can assure you Cameron was not at fault.  Nonetheless, four days before Christmas, we find him without a job.  Things will be fine, we hope! and we have started the job search and going through all the fun unemployment stuff that we hope will be sufficient to keep us in our house and not moving back in with Cameron's mom.  But even if it's not, we recognize that we are very blessed with alternatives and supportive family.  I figured you all would find out anyway, so might as well rip the band aid off all at once!  Thankfully we have Christmas all done and taken care of already so that's not a stress, and now we just have extra time to spend with Cameron!  We are very blessed for all that we have and we recognize that the timing is good...if there can ever be good timing in these things. 

So with that, if you hear of any jobs we'd be appreciative!  Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and I will be back after with some pictures of the festivities!!  Love to all!


WeAreTheRopers said...

UHG! I'm sorry to hear this! Love office politics... I'll be sure to let you know of anything I hear about, especially in the Boise area! What kind of stuff is Cameron looking for, what does he have experience in?

Ben and Dena said...

Praying for you of course!!! Love you Jo! And you too Cameron! Can't wait to come back and see you guys again!