Thursday, May 5, 2011


no, I'm not vain enough to talk about anyway. The other day I was fixing dinner (mini meatloaf, which was very fun and tasty btw) and I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcor....wait. Wrong song.

Nope, it was a fox.

Right there, in broad daylight at like 5:30 in the afternoon. Or do you consider that evening? Either way, lots of light, he had crossed the street in front of our house (Kai saw him but I didn't believe him, one of those "oh, yeah? That's nice" kind of moments) and gone behind our house. So I watched him for a few minutes (after I called to Kai and told him he was right) and watched as he suddenly lept through the fence

and came out with some poor unfortunate creature

And he ate it, right there. After licking his chops, he headed off...I can only assume to find some other poor defenseless creature for whom he was jonesin'.


Unknown said...

that is so cool! said...

Cool Pictures where I live we have foxes all over so we see them once in awhile more deer though. Keep up the blog looks great.